
D'Rose Updates 1 - Welcome

December 23, 20243 min read

Welcome to the first Diversity in Practice Update, as part of the D'Rose Ethics & Equity Academy. In this space we will share learning, insights and opportunities with our professional community of practitioners and leaders.

Diversity in Practice is a suportive and inclusive space for professionals with responsibility for diversity outcomes to come together for safe and collaborative enggement. We host monthly online sessions where our members can share their experiences, challenges and achievements with a community of profesionals who understand the potential for isolation and obstacles experienced by many in our sector. Register for the Diversity in Practice Community here.

Establishing the academy has been a primary focus of our work this year and successfully achieving recognition as a CPD Standards Office official provider status. Founded in our passion for learning and development, D’Rose Ethics & Equity Academy provides a combination of accredited training, professional development and inclusive learning content aiding professionals to apply equitable practices in the workplace.

The academy content will include free webinars, workshops, development communities and CPD certified training courses. These opportunities have been crafted to equip inclusive leaders in their journey, through accessing our tailored resources, supportive professional spaces and collaborative opportunities.

Building Excellence Webinar Series – A free series of learning content introducing various topics of ethics, equity, diversity, inclusion, intersectionality and lived experiences. Webinars will be added monthly on subjects from current affairs, policy updates, cultural development and learning opportunities.

D’Rose TRAACER Toolkit – A CPD certified workshop providing simple and practical Equality Impact Assessment tool, which can be used in the development or review of project or activities to ensure appropriate inclusive practice. This Toolkit is a valuable resource for everyone to understand their impact.

The D'Rose TRAACER Toolkit branded learning model

The D'Rose TRAACER Toolkit branded learning model

D’Rose Inclusive Leaders Lived Experience – The first in our CPD certified series of training sessions, this workshop introduces practical understanding of lived experiences and identities for improved inclusive leadership.

SMARTER Planning – A free mini workshop on how to effectively use the SMARTER planning tool for personal, professional, team and projects. This resource has been made available to help equip people with quality tools and understanding.

Ethics & Equity Strategic Framework – A series of development modules to equip leaders to ensure their organisations are actively anti-discriminatory and culturally inclusive for all stakeholders.

Update on Diversity in Practice July Call

July’s call was a quiet one with low attendance but great conversation around the value of the diversity work taking place in the sector. We identified the importance of meaningful representation in the development of stakeholder engagement programmes. We also spoke about the value of lived experience and governance frameworks for implementing sustainable and supported diversity outcomes.

Our next Diversity in Practice call will be 4.30pm 22nd August and we will be discussing Diversity and Sustainability.

Register for the Diversity in Practice Community Calls and hear about the amazing work of other professionals, share your experiences and be part of an inclusive professional development space.


Sabrina has been in attendance at a number of events over the last month with conferences and speaking opportunities providing great connections and broadening of our network and collective reach.

So please join us in welcoming our new members who have joined our community.

We will be sharing key take aways from each of the events Sabrina has attended over the last few months as articles with specific learning and insights to aid the community in applying equity driven changes.

Get involved

Please feel free to share your experiences and insights too! You can send us information about your projects, success and events to [email protected] and we will share them with the community.

Have a wonderful week and I look forward to seeing you soon.

Best wishes,


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