updates 11

D'Rose Updates 11 - Health Update

December 27, 20242 min read

Hello and Happy Holidays,

I hope you have all been well in my absence. Wishing everyone a happy Winter Solstice, how ever you choose to celebrate.

I wanted to start with a a personal update. I am not fully back but I wanted to provide a little insight 12 weeks on from my surgery. We got great news in November, my test results show I don't have cancer (I knew this but its great to have confirmation).

I have struggled with a few rought weeks due to fatigue and having to visit the nurses twice a week for wound care appointments. My surgery was extensive and I shared a bit more information on a LinkedIn post which you can view here.

I've been cared for beyond my wildest dreams by my King, Damian. A man who tucks me in so well I need help to unwrap my blankets. Who reminds me to eat and makes delicious food when I have zero appetite. He's been super patient with my moodiness and frustrations linked to my recovery times and impact of surgical menopause...I'm impatient, he's supportive.

I've had great feedback from the nurses about my recovery, getting my mobility and movement back and now on minimal pain relief. I found the weeks of intense recovery and limited activity particularly challenging but I'll be maintaining my 'low impact' approach until February.

There is a much bigger conversation about health inequalities, access to the correct care, at the correct time and the challenges which exist in the current NHS systems. I will be sharing my experiences, insights and learning from my 6 month health journey both here and on my social media posts.

I am so humbled and proud of the community I am surrounded by. Thanks to everyone who has sent well wishes, messages of support, gifts and acts of love. The care of our community has been a strength to me through the last few months.

During my reovery time I have been working on the D'Rose Academy content and support services. As many of you already know we will be launching our new D'Rose Academy website and members space in Janary 2025, with new courses and features.

The Offer for January 2025 we will be opening the doors to our Diversity in Practice Community to be the first to take part in our Quality Mark - D’Rose ChangeMakers. Our first cohort of professional diversity practitioners will be guided through our competancy framework to build a portfolio of evidence to showcase their inclusive practice, knowledge and skills. With access to experts, training content and group coaching to embed and share learning. D’Rose ChangeMakers has been designed to help quality practitioners stand out in an unregulated industry.

Join us from 4.30pm 16th January 2025 to find out more about how we can support you and your big plans for 2025.

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Stay safe,



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